I think i have used this title for every blog I've ever started.
A little about this blogThis is a blog to share with the wonderful world of the web some pretty words that I find in my travels. I think words are the prettiest things - better than music or waterfront views or even red headed girls with bangs and black glasses.
If you have a word you like, feel free to email it to me. writing_backwards@hotmail.com I collect old dictionaries and archaic words, modern and foreign and colloquial words, translating dictionaries, thesauruses (thesauri??) and words, words, words.
My friend Beth describes it as a love affair with language.
I think in words, not pictures. I literally 'see' lines of text scrolling across the tv screen located on the inside of my forehead. If I drink too much coffee, instead of scrolling neatly from right to left, the text fizzes and pops and appears and disappears and sometimes comes up upside down or in reverse. Occasionally, I find myself writing words backwards.
I think everyone, no matter what their occupation or their passion or their anything, should work on increasing their vocabulary. Expand your brain! It's good for you. And stay away from excessive amounts of coffee!
A little about meMy name is Shannon and I'm 25 years old. I have two cats and I'm right handed. I have a daughter named Ava who is just a baby and a son named Kaidin who is 7. I am studying a bachelor of social science through correspondence and trying not to spend the grocery money on second hand books. I am interested in words, books, reading, the brain, human genetics, prehistoric humans and humanoids, aerial dance, herbs and photography. I am a rather strange individual, but generally harmless.
I don't have a very strict schedule, so while I'll try and update this blog about 5 times a weekm it may be 5 times on a tuesday and nothing until the next saturday. I am also a blatant comment whore, so feel free to comment, email me, stalk me, send me pretty things (like books) and generally stick your hand in the air and yell 'love me love me'. This is how i meet my friends.